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Suspension Training Kit

Get a Suspension Training Kit for your Next Level Resistance Training

Suspension training can get your body worked up without even lifting a single weight. How? By hanging a part of your body off the ground. It is a simple, new-age technique to get your muscles the weight exercise they need to perform unconventional resistance training. A suspension training kit is the perfect gym equipment for your home gym where space is limited, and above all, it is a whole lot cheaper than any fitness equipment out there. If this appeals to you, browse Best Home Gym Equipment for suspension trainers and get one of your own.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is Suspension Training?
Suspension training, as the name states, is a bodyweight exercise where a part of your body suspends off the floor. It is a unique resistance training used by the US Navy SEALS to improve effectiveness in their workouts by giving another dimension to their practice. It is a very dynamic exercise that simultaneously develops your strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability by adding resistance through body suspension.

How does Suspension Training Work?
Suspension training works by suspending a part of your body to two vertical straps called suspension trainers and a pulley system that is fixed to the ceiling. Suspension training works on the same principles as callisthenics movement exercises minus the equipment. It develops functional muscles with a cardiovascular twist. Weight exercises are hard to replicate using the body alone, but suspension training offers this ability by adding an extra dimension to your weight exercises. Suspension trainers are very versatile and can be employed to almost any conventional exercise, providing additional resistance through an instability platform, which is the suspended part of your body.

How do I use it?
A suspension trainer is typically fixed on a base above the athlete’s head and can be a support during exercises or an added form of resistance. Using your body’s natural weight, your core is constantly engaged within the activity. Your core benefits the most from the exercises done in suspension training. It can even give you a full-body workout depending on the exercises you perform with it. Suspension trainers can be used in a gym environment or at your home or wherever you go.

What are the Types of Suspension Trainers?
Suspension straps

Suspension straps, which made resistance training popular, are a couple of elastic straps suspended on a pulley system from a fixed base and have handles on both ends where your hands or legs can be inserted to. The handles also have a kind of lock mechanism that immediately wraps your hands or legs when subjected to a force. It is the suspension trainer mostly favoured by the general public and a great option for individuals who are new to the exercise since it is lightweight and very easy to manoeuvre. This is also the kind of suspension trainer that is available in your fitness centre.

Gymnastic Rings

These are the classic suspension tools that feature two different attachment points with rings and allow your limbs to work independently. Attachment points can be placed at varying distances from each other so you can perform pull-ups, push-ups, and other upper body exercises. Since the attachment or holders for these suspension trainers are wooden or sometimes cast iron coated rings, it is not advisable to use it to hang your feet on. However, you can still perform numerous upper body exercises where you can completely be suspended off the ground, or your arms and legs are in contact with it.

Yoke Bar

The Yoke Bar is a curiosity among the kinds of suspension trainers out there. Unlike other suspension gym equipment, it has three attachment points; the overhead attachment fixed to a base, one at the end affixed to a horizontal bar, with two separate chains dangling on both ends of the bar. The result is a system that creates more instability than a conventional suspension trainer and a very challenging and engaging resistance training. The three attachment points provide a three-directional rotation that can recruit more muscles to perform an exercise.

Is a suspension trainer suitable for me?
Resistance training in a suspension trainer can be very exhausting because of its inherent instability that requires good management of core stability, foundational strength, and endurance. You have to be more comfortable first in performing the basic movements with proper form before thinking of hopping on to this gym equipment. When you are struggling to do lunges or push-ups on the floor, you are not yet ready for it. It would also be advisable to consult a trainer if you want to begin training with suspension trainers to help you use it in proper form. Suspension training without guidance can make simple exercises very difficult, and maintaining good tension, breathing pattern, and proper posture is essential to make the routine effective. Also, you may end up hurting yourself when not appropriately guided.

Why Do Resistance Training in Suspension Trainers?
Full-Body Workouts

Suspension training is the only resistance training where you can perform weight exercises without using the conventional weights like barbells, or dumbbells and still gives you that full-body workout you’re aiming for. There are numerous exercises you can use a suspension trainer for such as push-ups, lunges, planks, squats, chest press, biceps curls, and hamstring curls, among others. And what’s more, they can all be performed with an added challenge and resistance to it making you feel your muscles burning faster and seeing results in just a few weeks of training. Full-body workouts are never the same when you’re accompanying it with a suspension trainer.


Greater Muscle Activation

Whether you grasp the handles or use foot cradles, bodyweight exercises in a suspension trainer will always feel unstable. Anything you do will require your body to keep your arms or feet from shaking and will put you off of your position when performing a routine. Since suspension trainers are very unstable, you need to work more muscles to keep your balance and perform the exercise in proper form. A simple push-up on the floor only activates and enhances your shoulder muscles, and some of your core but a push-up using suspension trainers activates your core muscles all the time together with your shoulders. With any bodyweight exercise performed on a suspension trainer, you always use your core as it is responsible for maintaining the stability of your body. So don’t be surprised if you’ve developed a six-pack without you aiming for it after a few weeks of suspension training.

High Scalability

Suspension trainers adapt to people of all kinds of fitness levels. You can make your training easier by adjusting the level or height of the straps. A beginner can work the suspension trainer towards a more vertical squat by holding the handles rather than using all of their body weight for it. This means that it unloads some of the user's mass through the strap allowing him or her to perform squats that optimally builds to a full squat with less or no assistance over time. At the same time, an advanced trainee can perform single squats with one handle for a more significant challenge.

High Versatility

There’s no muscle or skill you cannot work out on with a suspension trainer. Facing away from the unit allows you to do push type movements that are ideal for your chest and shoulders. Facing towards it, pulling exercises can engage your back and biceps. The pulley system of the trainers still does the same job as that of bulky cable weight machines. It replaces the conventional weight stack with your weight allowing you to do your resistance training. You can change the difficulty of the workout by adjusting the bands, angling yourself lower to the floor to make it harder, or adjusting to a more upright position to make it easier.

Portability and Inexpensive

If you’re planning to build your home gym, you can’t go wrong in buying a suspension trainer. It is incredibly affordable than the bulky gym equipment and can fit in even a 3 x 3m space. Since the equipment consist of only two vertical straps hung on a fixed base, you can carry it anywhere you want. Finding a suitable area to hang it is also not a problem. A sturdy and stable base is all it needs, and you can begin training again.

How can I train safely on Suspension Trainers?
In any weight training or any workouts, safety is of utmost importance and should never be taken for granted. Suspending yourself on an unstable piece of equipment will put you more at risk than on a piece of equipment where you’re body stays on the ground. When doing suspension training, keep in mind these few safety measures.

Make sure that you are fit enough to engage in the strenuous exercises that suspension training will subject you to. If you are unsure, consult a trainer to gauge your readiness in handling the training. If your trainer says you’re not ready, then you’re not. Never put yourself at risk unless you are prepared to take the consequences of your actions.

Work out progressively and not mindlessly. Be conscious that you have to start with assistance and with just a bit of a challenge. Your body needs to adapt to the new and additional stresses. Give it some time and progress to more challenging workouts as you move along. Also, check your equipment before your exercises.

