Bodybuilding With a Weight Lifting Belt is Safe and Easy. Get yours at Home Gym Australia.
Choosing the most dependable and comfortable support is important where weightlifting is concerned. Using weight lifting belts may have a reputation for cheating, but we need to understand its use and how it works so that you can rely on it without feeling guilty or deceitful. Let Home Gym Australia how a weight lifting belt works, how it helps in bodybuilding and the benefits that you can get from this weight training accessory.
Frequently Asked Questions
Let us make one point straight: a weight lifting belt is not an essential piece of gym equipment. Yes, it helps you lift weights better and heavier than you normally could, but it is not for the reason that you think it is. Allow us to explain things simpler and clearer to you.
When you are lifting weights, you need a strong core to help you carry them. Just like pushing a car, you make your core muscles rigid, and you brace yourself while holding your breath so you can push as hard as you can. With a weight lifting belt, it does not help you provide more force, but it gives your body an indirect prompt to do better since the belt is directly placed to your waist. It provides a signal to your brain to make your core tighter and to push a little harder. With this analogy, we can say that a weight lifting belt is like a support or a feedback giver for you to brace yourself every time you lift weights.
One should not underestimate the weightlifting belts and their benefits. It may not be an essential piece of gym accessory, but if you are planning on working out safely and comfortably, then having one is ideal.
It lessens the pressure on the back. When you have a guide on how to tighten your core muscles during weightlifting activities, it helps you calculate the amount of force that you need to introduce to your abs and back. Without the weight lifting belt, there is a tendency for lifters to rely more on their back when attempting to lift barbells or other weightlifting gym equipment.
It corrects your posture while lifting weights. This benefit goes hand-in-hand with the belt’s ability to reduce back stress. Because you are aware of how you are using your body mechanics and core strength when performing weightlifting activities, you maintain correct posture as you lift the weights. The presence of the belt and its position on your waist and back signals you to check your positioning and way of lifting so as not to strain or injure your back.
It stabilises your core. If you are a newbie weightlifter, your coach may recommend you wear a weight lifting belt. His reason is not that he wants you to have support as you do your weightlifting routines. But instead, he wants you to be conditioned as to how your posture, core strength, and muscle movements are correctly working so you have a standard or baseline idea on how to do your routines properly.
Powerlifting belts. This is the type of weight lifting belt that has the same width all throughout the belt. Its design is made so as to prevent back overwork or strain. If you are planning on doing weightlifting squats and deadlifts, this is the type of weight lifting belt that you should wear.
Standard bodybuilding belts. This is the belt that has a broader back. The design provides support or brace to the back as you perform your weightlifting activities. If you are into Olympic-style lifting or CrossFit, then this design will benefit you more.
If you think all weightlifting belts are the same, that is where you are wrong. It matters that you choose the right weight lifting belt so that you can take advantage of this gym accessory while you are planning to perform your workout routines. Here are the elements of a weight lifting belt you should consider when choosing the most suitable one for you.
The function. This factor will dictate what type of weight lifting belt you should purchase. How are you planning on performing your weightlifting activities? Do you prefer squats and deadlifts with a trap bar? You may want to get a powerlifting belt then. Are you leaning towards performing more snatches or clean and jerk? A traditional bodybuilding belt may fit that nicely.
The fit. The goal of the weight lifting belt is to serve as a proprioceptive signal for your core, so it should lie on your waist, and not on your hips. If you are planning to buy online, it is best to measure your waistline instead of relying on your jean size. Home Gym Australia can help you determine which size would really fit your built.
The material. Weight lifting belts may be made with leather, suede, or Velcro. What material you would choose depends on your personal liking. But if you would ask trainers or fitness coaches, they would prefer to use leather weight lifting belts. Suede belts feel more comfortable and soft, but these do not provide the same support and rigidity that the leather ones have. Neoprene or Velcro belts, lastly, can also be a good option if you feel that the stability of your belt can be a bit on the mobile side. However, we all know that Velcro attachments do not last a long time, and they tend to give and unfasten when stretched.
The fastening. Weightlifting belts also have varying fastenings to secure it on your waist. Single prong belts are the easiest to use since you only have one hole and catch to secure. Double-prong belts seem to be more stable and secure, but it actually needs more time to wear while it still gives off the same level of support and stability as any other type. Lever buckles, on the other hand, maybe the better fastener to choose if you are going to use the same size and fit for a long time. However, if you decide to advance your performance and readjust the size of the belt, you would have to spend more time fixing the belt than exercising as you need to manually unscrew the lever and readjust the fit.
You do not need to wear the belt at all times. This misconception may come from the wrong idea that some gym-goers have when hitting the gym. Some weightlifters have their belts on while they are just roaming around the gym, trying on some machines and other gym equipment. Remember that this gym accessory is not a clothing accent.
Wear the belt while performing the correct exercise routines. Squats, deadlifts, strict presses, and Olympic lifting are the only ones that would require the use of a weightlifting belt. These exercises need the function of the belt to correct your posture, maximise your core tightening, and control your strength.
Wear the weightlifting belt on your waist, not your hips. As we mentioned earlier, this belt is a signal for you to determine how rigid your muscles should be when bodybuilding. Placing the belt on your waist will not do you any good since it is the pelvis that you are supporting, not the abs. Make sure that you are covering your navel (belly button) when putting on the belt. However, if you are bending over, like when you are reaching for the barbell, and you feel that the belt is hurting your abs, you can slightly adjust its fit to accommodate your movements well.
Tighten the weight lifting belt appropriately. Speaking of adjusting the fit of the belt. You should wear the belt as tight as possible. The tip that we can give you in fixing the tightness of the belt is to fix the fit of the belt while holding your breath in a normal breathe-in. The hold or tightness of the weight lifting belt should be just right that it would not budge when you move around, but it also would not interfere with your breathing.
Convinced that a weight lifting belt is a necessity for your bodybuilding goals? Home Gym Australia guarantees that the products we carry will suit all our customers’ individual needs. Let us assist you in finding the most appropriate style, size, and brand for you.